Guinness Storehouse

Located at St James’s Gate in the heart of Dublin City is the home of Ireland’s most iconic stout beer. The Guinness Storehouse invites guests to savour the sights, sounds, tastes, and aromas of Guinness.

At the Guinness Storehouse, we are committed to sustainability. After all, we are only 263 years into our 9,000 lease here at St. James’s Gate so we want to make sure that our actions have a positive effect on our people, our communities, our customers, our suppliers and our planet.

To achieve their goals, they aim to highlight areas that require development through regular measurement and assessment. To do this they are committed to measuring their water, energy and waste on a monthly basis and identifying ways to reduce their consumption. Check out some of their initiatives to date:

Energy Consumption
To date we have reduced our energy consumption through the installation of sensor and LED lighting and by switching from gas to electricity where possible. We are currently installing sub-metering across the Guinness Storehouse with the aim to reduce our total energy consumption per visitor by 5% by 2025.

Water Consumption
To date we have reduced our water consumption through the installation of dual flushing systems, waterless urinals and sensor taps across all bathrooms. We offer refillable water stations across our visitor experience and encourage visitors to bring their own water bottles on our website.

Waste Production
In September 2023 the Guinness Storehouse installed a biodigester which converts food waste into a nutrient-rich compost. For every 100 litres of organic waste input, the biodigester generates 20 litres of compost.

Through our comprehensive induction programme, we will continue to educate our staff on the importance of energy and water conservation, as well as correct waste segregation and reduction where possible. We aim to further educate our visitors on sustainability initiatives within the Guinness brand through the installation of our new ingredients floor in the Guinness Storehouse.

Carbon Management
In line with Diageo Society 2030 targets, we aim to achieve net zero carbon in our scope 1 and 2 by 2030, as well a 50% reduction in our scope 3 emissions. To date we have conducted a carbon footprint calculation and established a baseline for scope 1, 2 & 3 data. We are currently working on a decarbonisation plan to achieve our 2030 targets across all sites.

Social Responsibility
We believe that an inclusive and diverse culture makes for a better business and a better world so we will champion inclusion and diversity across our business, with our partners and communities to help shape a tolerant society.

Supporting Biodiversity & Conservation
To protect and conserve our local biodiversity, through our Facilities partners MKF, we are committed to the All-Ireland pollinator plan. A biodiversity pollinator garden was developed last year within St James Gate site, which has received certification of participation in the All-Ireland Biodiversity Plan from the National Biodiversity Data Centre.

Check out their sustainability policy here.